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DevOps: What is this

DevOps is a combination of development and information-technology operations. ... Basically, it's a set of practices that allows for the processes between IT teams and software development to be automated. DevOps enables IT teams to build and test software much faster and make such programs more reliable.

The future of DevOps means tons of containerization of software, which ultimately means applications will run using the cloud. Many of those software applications are going to be replacing a number of the normal functions of DevOps. As a result, the planet of DevOps will experience a dramatic shift. The main reason is that there got to be clear boundaries defined between operations and development.

Because the industry will continue making shifts toward software management using standardized frameworks, DevOps professionals will have longer to drive efficient innovations. These professionals will also have more time to tackle the challenges they face regarding managing large clusters of complex applications across technology stacks.

SkillPractical provides the best DevOps projects. Now a days DevOps is the trending technology. If you want to start your carrer in DevOps technology you need to learn from the basics. SkillPractical provides the DevOps projects from beginner to advanced. They also explained each and every project step by step with modules, module steps, resources and module assessments.

For more information visit:computer engineering projects

Some of the projects and test that SkillPractical covers in Devops tools are:


  1. Creating an Apache Server on Ubuntu using Ansible roles
  2. Ansible - Install and Configure

and more..


  1. Nagios
  2. Kubernetes
  3. Puppet
  4. Ansible
  5. Docker
  6. Jenkins

They have the DevOps learning path which helps the user to learn from the scratch. It also helps the learners to get prior knowledge on DevOps in real time. If you have any questions while doing projects you can ask in community. You will get an answer from our DevOps experts.

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